Ephesians 6:17
"Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD of God." [emphasis mine]
The Devil is the father of Lies and each day he shoots fiery darts and arrows against us as Believers. These lies and schemes come in many different forms [sin, unknowing other people or sometimes even through our minds and emotions, etc.] and are meant to harm us, hurt us and derail God's plans and purposes for our lives by keeping us bound. But Father God not only protects us, He gives us weapons with which to fight. As God arms us for battle, He reminds us of each piece of armor with which we are to daily clothe ourselves to fight against the Evil one and his demonic forces. One vital piece of armor that we are instructed to wear is a sword. And what is the Believers' sword? The Word of God, of course! Listen below as I briefly talk about arming ourselves for victorious battle using our S.W.O.R.D., the Bible.
Takeaways for you to remember:
#1. A sword is one of the pieces of God's armor that Christians metaphorically put on to fight the Enemy.
#2. The Word of God [the Bible] is the Believers' sword.
#3. As a royal priesthood, in the hands of the Believer, dually this ceremonial sword [the Word of God] becomes a royal scepter [showing authority and power through Jesus] and an effective practical weapon against the Devil.
Yours in Christ!
Dr. Quahana
Want to enjoy some of the Scriptures inspiring this entry? [NLT version unless otherwise noted.]