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"Painted by the CREATOR God"

Writer's picture: Dr. QuahanaDr. Quahana

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." ~~Ephesians 2:10 NLT

I have been an artist since five years old and have worked in the arts for many years, therefore words such as masterpiece, found in Masterpiece Ministries' foundational Scripture Ephesians 2:10 NLT, strike a visceral chord within me. But what is a masterpiece? In his book, "Masterpiece," Carl Dulinsky writes that at its' inception, it was a piece of work presented to a medieval guild as evidence or qualification for the rank of master and Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as a work of extraordinary artistry, skill or workmanship. In other words, it is a work done with exceptional skill, especially a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement. It does not mean flawless, but it does mean excellently done. Think Leonardo da Vinci and the like, and you get the idea. These artists were considered masters that produced remarkable work, known as masterpieces. When you saw these pieces you immediately knew who created them, because they pointed back to their creator by reflecting the artist's style. In modern times, even their discarded sketches have fetched exorbitant prices simply because of who made them. Nonetheless, a masterpiece is unrivaled by other created pieces and still considered the best thing the artist has ever made.

Let us briefly examine what it means to be called a masterpiece by God. We talked last week of God's sovereignty, but this sovereign God is also a Creator. Genesis tells us that He created the Heavens and the earth, the moon and the stars, but He also created humankind. In fact, He uniquely and carefully knit each person in their mother's womb even going so far as to number each strand of hair placed in their head [yep, that grey one, that curly one and that unruly cowlick too!]. That says a lot about the value God places on His creation. And when we accept Jesus and are engrafted into His family all bets are off for His children! He delights over you, sings over you with joy, catches your tears in a bottle and even goes before you to ensure a smoothly aligned path and on and on and on...

Are you grasping that this means you are loved by God? God is Love and can't be anything else. He wouldn't create you soo wonderfully complex and send His Son to die for you if you were not meant to be a masterpiece to Him. So, when you become a child of God people should see in you...His likeness.

Ephesians 2 is praising God for His amazing saving Grace. Yes, God loves and declares His entire creation "Good" in Genesis 1, but He declares His children "Masterpieces" in Ephesians 2:10 [Greek word "poiēma" pronounced "poy - ay - mah"]. He has already established purpose and plans for these masterpieces even before the very foundation of the world. The good works that are the fruit of God's plans through His masterpieces are the result of Salvation through Christ, not the cause of Salvation. We must be made new through Christ to do the good works God has planned for us as His masterpieces. We don't become a masterpiece by working in our own effort, we become God's masterpiece simply by accepting Jesus and being made new in the process and therefore able to step into the purpose and plans God has for us.

God knows your name and will never call you anything different than what you are. As His child He says you are a masterpiece and a bunch of other lovely stuff that all give Him glory, display His grace and is for your good; redeemed, saved, set free and delivered. He also says you are loved extravagantly, washed clean, forever forgiven and unable to be snatched from His hand. That means no one, no thing, no Devil and no demon in hell can remove you from His grip. You are safe, secure and in the best place possible. Under the shadow of His almighty wing.

My prayer is that all would know how deeply and irrevocably God loves them, accept Jesus and gain a permanent place as a child of God. And when you do, dear Believer, please walk boldly as the masterpiece God says you are, literally and spiritually. I think that calls for some shoulders erect and tall, some chins lifted high, some feet securely treading and a little Holy Spirit swagger to boot. Confidence that I am, you are, we are a masterpiece with intentional purpose and plans for the Kingdom of God.

Takeaways for you to remember as a masterpiece:

#1. Created with care, skill and excellence.

#2. God's best created work.

#3. Specific purpose and plans.

Yours in Christ!

Dr. Quahana

Want to enjoy some of the Scriptures inspiring this entry? [NLT unless otherwise noted]


1) Dulinsky, Carl. Masterpiece: Discovering the Greatness Within. Kundu Publishing. 2014.

2) "masterpiece." Merriam-Webster, 2011. Web. 23 May 2023.

3) Thayer, J. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon. Hendrickson Publishers. 1995.


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