2 Kings 4:26
"Run now to meet her. Say to her, ‘Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?’” And she answered, “It is well.”
[Emphasis added.]
One of the things I love is history, in fact it is part of my job officially and part of my role unofficially in my family. I like to keep track of all our photos, papers, videos etc. for safe keeping and organizing. Periodically, I go through to clean up files, remove duplicates or simply reminisce. This week, I came across one of my favorite videos. It is my favorite for two reasons: One, it features my beautiful momma and two, it is an extravagant and encouraging reminder of the power of words and thought patterns being in line with the Word of God. The hymn resonates the sentiment seen in 2 Kings 4:23 and many other Scriptures where we repeatedly see some iteration of the phrase "It is well". And the ironic thing is that it is normally when the circumstances appear to be anything BUT well. Why is that important? Is it because the person is sticking their head in the sand and ignoring natural facts? Nope. It is important, because they [and we] can choose to submit natural facts to our supernatural True God. When we align our will, thoughts and emotions with God, our circumstances then become aligned with Him. And when we are in alignment with God doors are opened for the King of Glory to come in and fill all the places, spaces, crannies, nooks and crevices with His perfection.
In today's Scripture, the Shunammite woman has a dead son laying in her home. This is a child she had dared not hope she and her elderly husband could have but who was yet prophesied to her by the Prophet Elisha and that prophecy was subsequently fulfilled. Unfortunately, the son passes away and yet the words she speaks are words that open the door for her miracle. "It is well." Focused, she instructs her servant to go get the man of God and stop for no one or no thing as she speaks life over the situation [submitted to God's Will] and subsequently watches God use the Prophet Elisha to bring forth a miracle.
Will a miracle always come forth when we say, "It is well"? Will our circumstances suddenly be less chaotic when we say, "It is well?' Probably not, but what will happen is our mindsets will begin to shift to one of submission to God's sovereignty. And when that happens, as I've taught several times over this last year, we are taking every thought captive to the mind of Christ and aligning our will to His. The results will be perfect in the Spirit, even if they first seem imperfect in the natural. It is just more opportunities for God to get the glory when He does it up big. Though sometimes it feels like a swirling storm in the natural, it is well with me, even as I stand in Faith believing God for multiple things. How He fulfills them is His job not mine; my job is to keep my mind set on Him. Today, I encourage you to take stock of where you are and encourage yourself by saying, "It is well!" And might I add, don't let anyone tell you different!
Takeaways for you to remember:
#1 It is well.
#2 It is well.
#3 It is well.
Yours in Christ!
Dr. Quahana
Want to enjoy some of the Scriptures inspiring this entry?
[NLT version unless otherwise noted.]