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"I've Got You Covered"

Writer's picture: Dr. QuahanaDr. Quahana

Psalm 5:11-12 NLV

"But let all who put their trust in You be glad. Let them sing with joy forever. You make a covering for them, that all who love Your Name may be glad in You. For You will make those happy who do what is right, O Lord. You will cover them all around with Your Favor." [Emphasis added]

Sometimes Christians use a lot of “Christianese” and honestly it might obscure a simple meaning that can translate to a missed opportunity for communication with the unsaved or for that matter, other Believers. One of those terms that I see thrown around a lot [and sometimes incorrectly] is "covering". If we look to the Bible, the term covering simply highlights some of God's characteristics as any of the following...

  • Protection

  • Barrier

  • First Line of Defense

  • The Head

  • Shelter

  • Shield

  • Cloak

  • etc.

In our Scripture selection David prays that the Lord's protection would cover the righteous. In turn, he calls upon these righteous, those who love the Lord's Name, to exult in God. Recognizing that what God's Name represents [faithfulness, holiness, graciousness, mercy, grace, etc.] of course leads the righteous into praise and worship. The core of this is simply God as nurturing Protector, because a nurturing protector covers by providing all that is needed for the one being covered. Basically, a Spiritual [and often a physical] protection that God provides [and might sometimes be felt] for those in Covenant relationship with Him.

Sadly, if you are not a Believer covered by God, you are for all intents and purposes, out in the open and subject to all the "elements" of this world without a life jacket, an umbrella or a prayer, i.e. open season for Satan to wreak havoc with you. That sounds bleak and undesirable because it is. God desires ALL His creation to be in Covenant relationship with Him by accepting Jesus Christ and thereby be covered. If you have been tracking with me over these last few months you know that Scripture confirms Jesus as the only way to God and eternal life. In fact, the Word says that God desires NO ONE to perish but have everlasting life and He waits patiently while giving chance after chance after chance for repentance. Why? Because He loves us. So much so that He sent Jesus to die for us.

The Psalmist is often supplicating to God for His Presence, His Protection, His Mercy and His Grace, therefore he was praying for God's covering. Because when God covers you, you might get some rain drops on you, but you won't drown; a few fiery embers might blow around your body, but you won't get incinerated; and you may see the drool dripping from the ravenous lion's teeth, but you won't be devoured. So, trouble may and will come but rest assured God's all-encompassing covering won't be withdrawn from His Covenant children. Sorry Allstate Insurance but being covered by God has its advantages and they are more than can be imagined.

On a sidenote, one neat thing God does is sometimes place humans in our lives that can act as a covering in the natural. For example, a spouse, a parent, a pastor, etc. can and should provide a source of earthly covering that acts as a protective buffer or gatekeeper for those they are in authority over. Think of the Apostle Paul and his Spiritual children in the Faith like Timothy, Ruth's husband Boaz or the churches headed by the Apostles Peter or Paul. That is why being in the right church and body of Believers is vital not only for growth, but for maturity, guidance and fellowship. Trusted spiritual leadership on occasion might see things we don't and link with us in prayer, not because God is not covering us but because He has equipped us with an army to assist, lead, help fight and help keep us safe. I know for a fact danger that I avoided because I had trusted people praying for and over me. I won't even get into the dynamics of how this translates into being married to the right person to cover your marriage, your home and your children [maybe for another day]!

For now, if you are in the rain or shivering in the cold, or know someone who is, may Jesus offer an umbrella or a warm blanket for cover? Click here to accept Jesus and be covered forever.

Takeaways for you to remember:

#1 Being covered starts with Covenant relationship.

#2 Covering equals protection.

#3 Covering means the Enemy and his cohorts have to get through God to get to you.

Yours in Christ!

Dr. Quahana

Want to enjoy some of the Scriptures inspiring this entry?

[All Scripture listed is NLT version unless otherwise noted.]


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